The KBC MOPS KIDS (formerly MOPPETS) team invests, equips and encourages the next generation of the church by teaching preschoolers who God is through Bible stories, related crafts, memory verses and activities.

MOPS KIDS is designed for children 6 months through Kindergarten. Once your registered baby turns six months, drop him/her off in the baby room with a name tag sticker and rest your arms and your soul. The workers will text you and your DGL if needed. We won’t let your baby cry longer than 15 minutes before texting. If you prefer a shorter time frame, let the workers know!
If your child is in first grade or older, please bring some quiet work for him/her to do with the homeschool class.
When you drop off your child, he/she will have a name tag from the check in computers and you will have a coordinating tag as well. Hand your child to the worker in the MOPPETS apron OUTSIDE the classroom and know they are in good hands. In order to pick up your child, you will need that same coordinating sticker. If you lose your sticker, photo ID will be required to obtain that child. Workers have a few clean up duties and are allowed to go home at 11:45 am, so if you want them supervised, make sure you have collected your child by then!
Every child in diapers needs to bring a labelled diaper, wipes and change of clothes. Children in the BABY room are allowed to bring one comfort item as well as labelled bottles. All other children are asked to leave comfort items in the car and only labelled sippy cups with water are permitted in the room since some friends have milk allergies and may find your milk cup. Snacks are provided and labels are available to read should you have a specific allergy your child avoids.
Kids get sick and usually at the most inconvenient time. If your child has green boogers, awful coughs, diarrhea or vomited or had a fever over 99.6 or used ailment medication of any sort in the last 24 hours, we ask you keep your child at home. We don’t want anything contagious (pink eye, chicken pox etc) near our friends or want a reaction to any medications to occur without you around. How would you feel if I brought my kid into your child’s classroom with those symptoms? I know it is hard to miss a morning with moms, but you will have many opportunities to meet with these wonderful women throughout the month!
We are always looking for God and children loving workers. If you or someone you know would like to serve our MOPS KIDS, please fill out a worker application on the mopskbc.org website. Remember, if you work in MOPS KIDS for one meeting, your next month’s meeting fees are FREE!
We are very excited to say we are implementing “The Beginner’s Bible” curriculum! It is a fantastic program geared specifically through age five so your child will have age appropriate songs, games, lessons, crafts and more with God loving workers who have been trained and background checked for your child’s benefit. You will get a take home sheet each month to help you reinforce their lesson and there is a free app you can download which reads Bible stories and has fun games for your preschooler.
We are supplementing the lesson with music from “Little Sprouts”. It is an adorable program with kid and adult loving songs that reinforce Bible verses and will be played at drop off time each month. If you would like to purchase this CD so you can encourage your child to go to MOPS KIDS and have familiar music when he/she arrives, they will be available at the registration desk for $10 cash. We can always order more if they are in hot demand!
If you have a question or suggestion, please bring those to our MOPS KIDS team and we will gladly listen.
MOPS KIDS COORINATOR: kurtandlonda@gmail.com
REGISTRATION SPECIALIST: Hammond.lindy7@gmail.com
CURRICULUM SPECIALIST: seppala.jennifer@gmail.com
MOPS KIDS Worker Recruiter: jenniferndavis@gmail.com